The Impact
of Midwifery

Epidural Rates Drop:

in 2018
10.1 % ↓
in 2021
0 % ↓
in 2022
0 % ↓
in 2023
10 % ↓

At Fernandez, we went through a paradigm shift in the way we approached and managed birthing, with all our consultants leading by example. Professional Midwives were brought in from the UK to train our nurses. This had a huge impact on the quality of care that was delivered.

We acknowledge with gratitude the integral role played by these midwives, many of whom took sabbaticals from their jobs and worked with us pro bono, with just reimbursement of expenses and hospitality provided to them.

And today, Fernandez in collaboration with the WHO, is one of six institutes selected in India for the National Midwifery Educator Training Programme, the first to launch it.

Data for Spontaneous Vaginal Births (SVDs)

(August 2011 – June 2024)

Total number of


Total Number of
Spontaneous Vaginal Births

SVDs Episiotomies Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries

20792 (58.4%)

7619 (36.6%)

167 (0.5%)

Total 35599 9952 320

Qualified Midwives


Qualified Midwives working at Fernandez Hospital


Not employed in Fernandez Hospital


Working abroad


The Impact Of Midwifery Training Programme In Telangana*

The Percentage of Normal births have significantly increased in hospitals across Telangana.

Area Hospital – Asifabad and Community Health Center – Kosigi has shown consistency in maintaining 100% normal births which were supported by midwives.

Community Health Center – Kazagnagar has shown remarkable performance by ensuring 100% normal births in April’ 2021.

Midwives in all facilities have worked collectively in averting the un-indicated C-section to Normal Births and it is evident in facilities like the Area Hospital at Bhahdrachalam, Community Health Center at Eturunagaram, Area Hospital at Gajwel.

The District Hospital at Rajannasircilla, Community Health Centre at Pedhapally, Area Hospital at Mahabubabad, and the Area Hospital at Mancherial have also shown significant improvement in increasing normal vaginal births.

*Source : Government of Telangana

Percentage of normal births vs C-section at NPM posted facilities*

Percentage of Normal Births


Percentage of C-Section

April 2021

*Source : Government of Telangana

Percentage of births supported by Midwives - September 2020 Vs April 2021*

September 2020


April 2021

*Source : Government of Telangana

AS OF JAN’ 2022

They are actively involved in promoting the health and well-being of mothers. They detect complications during pregnancy, provide care to women during labour that facilitates physiological processes and a safe birth, and immediate care to newborn. They have created awareness in the community by involving frontline health workers in encouraging the mothers for normal birth. There is a considerable attitudinal change in the mothers who are now opting for normal birth over C-section.

Impact on other public health facilities

Partnership with UNFPA – 2023, MOMS training by Fernandez IMEs

FHERF partnered with UNFPA to build a pool of Midwifery educators at Patiala (Punjab) and Udaipur (Rajasthan) respectively. 
In December 2023, a three-day training on Multidisciplinary Obstetric and Midwifery Simulation (MOMS) was conducted for midwifery educators, obstetricians and gynaecologists at the National Midwifery Training Institute (NMTI), Patiala.

Quotes From Mothers

Making A Difference

Job Title: International Clinical Midwifery Educator, Fernandez Foundation

Accountable to: Director of Midwifery Services, Fernandez Foundation 


We are committed to providing access to excellent, equitable, evidence-based and respectful healthcare for women and the new-born. We believe that life is sacred and precious, and we do our best to affirm and preserve it always.


A world in which every woman and child has access to high-quality, compassionate care, that enables a life of respect and dignity.

1. Teaching and Training 

  • Provide clinical supervision and leadership working alongside the national midwifery educators (NMEs) team, monitoring, and coaching, during pre-planned sessions, ensuring midwives attain their clinical competencies, by participating in their clinical assessment process.
  • Participate in the preparation of Personal Development Plans for staff and contribute to annual appraisals.
  • Working closely with the NME team to support development of teaching and training.
  • Professional Midwifery Training: Contribute to teaching midwifery subjects and women centred care in the twelve months nurse midwife practitioner education recognised by the Indian Nursing Council (INC).
  • Training and development-Support the delivery of Midwifery care. Reflective learning and journal clubs encouraging midwives to use the sessions in reading evidence-based articles and translating to clinical practice
  • Establishing and maintaining systems to record education, training, and development activities.
  • Evaluation of education, training, and development activities 
  • Ensuring that education, training and development activities are evidence based. 
  • Assist the Fernandez Foundation with training and development strategy for the professional development of midwives, doulas, additional birth support staff


2. Clinical Mentorship

  • Provide clinical mentoring by providing 80% clinical leadership working alongside our students and qualified midwives encouraging and promoting best practice.
  • Leading by clinical expertise in developing midwifery confidence caring for mothers in the midwife led centre.
  • Providing clinical leadership and communicating with women birth options promoting midwife led care in the midwife led unit


3. Professional Knowledge

  • Demonstrate practitioner competence and professionalism. 
  • Demonstrate a high level of knowledge and expertise relevant to the post. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of relevant legislation and standards. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key issues and priorities in the Indian context. 
  • Demonstrate commitment to educational and professional development issues. 
  • Demonstrate skills in teaching and facilitation.


4. Research and Audit

  • Demonstrates strong knowledge of research methods and knowledge of the challenges and opportunities to develop research, audit and evidence-based practice. 
  • Encouraging and supporting the research agenda at local and national level 
  • Encouraging research and audit development in the activities of the midwife led unit 
  • Developing Research and clinical tools sharing the outcomes of the MLU

The above job specification is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office. 

Job Title: National Midwifery Educator, Fernandez Foundation

Accountable to: Director of Midwifery Services, Fernandez Foundation

We are committed to providing access to excellent, equitable, evidence-based and respectful healthcare for women and the new-born. We believe that life is sacred and precious and we do our best to affirm and preserve it always.

A world in which every woman and child has access to high-quality, compassionate care, that enables a life of respect and dignity.

1. Teaching and Training

  • Provide clinical supervision and leadership working alongside the midwifery team, monitoring and coaching, during pre-planned sessions, ensuring midwives attain their clinical competencies, by participating in their clinical assessment process.
  • Participate in the preparation of Personal Development Plans for staff and contribute to annual appraisals.
  • Professional Midwifery Training: Contribute to teaching midwifery subjects and women centred care in the twelve months nurse midwife practitioner education recognised by the Indian Nursing Council (INC).
  • Training and development-Support the delivery of Midwifery care. Reflective learning and journal clubs encouraging midwives to use the sessions in reading evidence-based articles and translating to clinical practice
  • Establishing and maintaining systems to record education, training and development activities.
  • Evaluation of education, training and development activities 
  • Ensuring that education, training and development activities are evidence based. 
  • Assist the Fernandez Foundation with training and development strategy for the professional development of midwives, doulas, additional birth support staff


2. Clinical Mentorship 

  • Provide clinical mentoring by providing 80% clinical leadership working alongside our students and qualified midwives encouraging and promoting best practice.
  • Leading by clinical expertise in developing midwifery confidence caring for mothers in the midwife led centre.
  • Providing clinical leadership and communicating with women birth options promoting midwife led care in the midwife led unit


3. Professional Knowledge

  • Demonstrate practitioner competence and professionalism. 
  • Demonstrate a high level of knowledge and expertise relevant to the post. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of relevant legislation and standards. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key issues and priorities in the Indian context. 
  • Demonstrate commitment to educational and professional development issues. 
  • Demonstrate skills in teaching and facilitation.


4. Research and Audit

  • Demonstrates strong knowledge of research methods and knowledge of the challenges and opportunities to develop research, audit and evidence-based practice. 
  • Encouraging and supporting the research agenda at local and national level 
  • Encouraging research and audit development in the activities of the midwife led unit 
  • Developing Research and clinical tools sharing the outcomes of the MLU

The above job specification is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.


Who is a Midwife

A midwife is a person who has completed a midwifery education programme that is based on the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Essential Competencies for Midwifery Practice and the framework of the ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Education. They provide care for women during pregnancy, labour, postpartum period as well as the care of the newborn baby.




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Who is a Midwife

A midwife is a person who has completed a midwifery 

A midwife is a person who has completed a midwifery education programme that is based on the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Essential Competencies for Midwifery Practice and the framework of the ICM Global Standards for Midwifery Education. They provide care for women during pregnancy, labour, postpartum period as well as the care of the newborn baby.